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Entity Interfaces

Client Entity

The Client Entity represents an application that requests access to protected resources on behalf of the resource owner (user).

  • URIs must be absolute.
  • URIs may include query parameters in application/x-www-form-urlencoded format
  • URIs must not include fragment components.
interface OAuthClient {
id: string;
name: string;
secret?: string;
redirectUris: string[];
allowedGrants: GrantIdentifier[];
scopes: OAuthScope[];

Auth Code Entity

The Auth Code Entity represents a short-lived authorization code used in the Authorization Code grant type. It's an intermediary step between user authorization and token issuance.

interface OAuthAuthCode {
code: string;
redirectUri?: string;
codeChallenge?: string;
codeChallengeMethod?: CodeChallengeMethod;
expiresAt: Date;
user?: OAuthUser;
client: OAuthClient;
scopes: OAuthScope[];

type CodeChallengeMethod = "S256" | "plain";

Token Entity

The Token Entity represents access and refresh tokens issued to clients.

interface OAuthToken {
accessToken: string;
accessTokenExpiresAt: Date;
refreshToken?: string | null;
refreshTokenExpiresAt?: Date | null;
client: OAuthClient;
user?: OAuthUser | null;
scopes: OAuthScope[];
originatingAuthCodeId?: string;

User Entity

The User Entity represents the resource owner - typically the end-user who authorizes an application to access their account.

interface OAuthUser {
id: string;
[key: string]: any;

Scope Entity

Scopes are used to define and limit the extent of access granted to a client application. They provide granular control over the permissions given to third-party applications.

For more information on OAuth 2.0 scopes, visit:

interface OAuthScope {
name: string;
[key: string]: any;