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The Token Endpoint

The /token endpoint is a back channel endpoint that issues a usable access token. It supports multiple grant types as defined in OAuth 2.0 specifications.

  • All requests to the /token endpoint should use the HTTP POST method and include appropriate authentication (e.g., client credentials in the Authorization header or in the request body).

  • The url /token can be anything, some other common urls are: /oauth/token, /v1/token, etc."/token", async (req: Express.Request, res: Express.Response) => {
try {
const oauthResponse = await authorizationServer.respondToAccessTokenRequest(req);
return handleExpressResponse(res, oauthResponse);
} catch (e) {
handleExpressError(e, res);


The /token endpoint supports the following grant types:

Authorization Code Grant (RFC6749 Section 4.1)

  • Used to exchange an authorization code for an access token
  • Request parameters:
    • grant_type=authorization_code
    • code: The authorization code received from the authorization server
    • redirect_uri: Must match the original redirect URI used in the authorization request
    • client_id: The client identifier

Refresh Token Grant (RFC6749 Section 6)

  • Used to obtain a new access token using a refresh token
  • Request parameters:
    • grant_type=refresh_token
    • refresh_token: The refresh token issued to the client
    • scope (optional): The scope of the access request

Client Credentials Grant (RFC6749 Section 4.4)

  • Used for machine-to-machine authentication where no user is involved
  • Request parameters:
    • grant_type=client_credentials
    • scope (optional): The scope of the access request

Resource Owner Password Credentials Grant (RFC6749 Section 4.3)

  • Used to exchange the resource owner's credentials for an access token
  • Request parameters:
    • grant_type=password
    • username: The resource owner's username
    • password: The resource owner's password
    • scope (optional): The scope of the access request

Token Exchange (RFC8693)

  • Used to exchange one security token for another
  • Request parameters:
    • grant_type=urn:ietf:params:oauth:grant-type:token-exchange
    • subject_token: The security token that is the subject of the exchange
    • subject_token_type: An identifier for the type of the subject_token
    • requested_token_type (optional): An identifier for the type of the requested security token
    • audience (optional): The logical name of the target service where the client intends to use the requested security token