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The default configuration is great for most users. You might not need to tweak anything here.

The authorization server has a few optional settings with the following default values;

requiresPKCEbooleantruePKCE is enabled by default and recommended for all users. To support a legacy client without PKCE, disable this option. [Learn more]
requiresS256booleantrueDisabled by default. If you want to require all clients to use S256, you can enable that here. [Learn more]
notBeforeLeewaynumber0Implementers MAY provide for some small leeway, usually no more than a few minutes, to account for clock skew. Its value MUST be a number containing a NumericDate value.
tokenCID"id" or "name""id"Sets the JWT accessToken.cid to either the or

In 3.x the default is "id", in v2.x the default was "name". [Learn more]
issuerstring | undefinedundefinedSets the JWT accessToken.iss to this value.
authenticateIntrospectbooleantrueAuthorize the /introspect endpoint using client_credentials, this requires users to pass in a valid client_id and client_secret (or Authorization header)

In 4.x the default is true, in v3.x the default was false.
authenticateRevokebooleantrueAuthorize the /revoke endpoint using client_credentials, this requires users to pass in a valid client_id and client_secret (or Authorization header)

In 4.x the default is true, in v3.x the default was false.
type AuthorizationServerOptions = {
requiresPKCE: true;
requiresS256: false;
notBeforeLeeway: 0;
tokenCID: "id" | "name";
issuer: undefined;
authenticateIntrospect: boolean;
authenticateRevoke: boolean;

To configure these options, pass the value in as the last argument:

const authorizationServer = new AuthorizationServer(
new JwtService("secret-key"),
issuer: "",