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This code is used to transform a Nuxt response or to construct a new Nuxt HTTP response.

Source Code

import type { OAuthResponse } from '@jmondi/oauth2-server'
import { ErrorType, OAuthException, OAuthRequest } from '@jmondi/oauth2-server'
import { getHeaders, getQuery, readBody, sendError, type H3Event } from 'h3'

export function responseWithH3(event: H3Event, oauthResponse: OAuthResponse, wrapResp?: string): void {
if (oauthResponse.status === 302) {
if (typeof oauthResponse.headers.location !== 'string' || oauthResponse.headers.location === '') {
throw new OAuthException(`missing redirect location`, ErrorType.InvalidRequest)
new Response(null, {
status: 302,
headers: {
Location: oauthResponse.headers.location

let body = oauthResponse.body
if (wrapResp) {
body = { [wrapResp]: body }

new Response(JSON.stringify(body), {
status: oauthResponse.status,
headers: oauthResponse.headers

export async function requestFromH3(event: H3Event, updatedBody?: Record<string, any>): Promise<OAuthRequest> {
let query: Record<string, any> = {}
let body: Record<string, any> = {}
if (['GET', 'DELETE', 'HEAD', 'OPTIONS'].includes(event.method.toUpperCase())) {
query = getQuery(event) as Record<string, any>
if (['POST', 'PUT', 'PATCH'].includes(event.method.toUpperCase())) {
if (updatedBody) {
body = updatedBody
} else {
body = await readBody(event)
return new OAuthRequest({
query: query,
body: body,
headers: getHeaders(event) ?? {}

export function handleErrorWithH3(event: H3Event, e: unknown | OAuthException): void {
if (isOAuthError(e)) {
sendError(event, e)
throw e

export function isOAuthError(error: unknown): error is OAuthException {
if (!error) return false
if (typeof error !== 'object') return false
return 'oauth' in error


 function responseWithH3(event: H3Event, oauthResponse: OAuthResponse, wrapResp?: string): void 
export async function requestFromH3(event: H3Event, updatedBody?: Record<string, any>): Promise<OAuthRequest> 
export function handleErrorWithH3(event: H3Event, e: unknown | OAuthException)


import { requestFromH3, handleErrorWithH3, responseWithH3 } from '../../tools/converts'

export default defineEventHandler(async (event) => {
const body = await readBody(event)
body.grant_type = 'password'
body.client_id = useRuntimeConfig().oauth.client.clientId
body.client_secret = useRuntimeConfig().oauth.client.secret
try {
// Here is an instance of new AuthorizationServer.
const oauthServer = useOAuthServer()
// A transformation is applied here.
const oauthResponse = await oauthServer.respondToAccessTokenRequest(await requestFromH3(event, body))
// The response is directly forwarded here.
responseWithH3(event, oauthResponse, 'data')
} catch (e) {
handleErrorWithH3(event, e)